Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Where my farmer?

After reading 'Tuesday with Morrie', I've come to realize that in life, everyone of us need to have a teacher to teach us about life.

Although I somehow find the book a little too grand for me. Why do I say so? Well, 1stly, Morrie is 70 years old and is down with ALS (a illness which I have no idea how to explain). He have been through life like every one of us went through. The experience he gain from time isn't something that my age can obtain.

I need a teacher in life too. To tell me what's right, what's wrong. What best when I'm caught inbetween the crossroads.

Life's been tough on me cow girl. She going through an ordeal like any other girl in relationship. I guess we learn when we fall. The depression, the helplessness is what everyone experience. No matter how I wish she'll brighten up, but I guess it's something she has to do it willingly through time. All I can do is to walk her out of it with many other cows.

Life's an ass. What to do when we are part of the nature and not above it.


The Whining Fat Cow
11:31 PM

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