Friday, July 13, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


This is the 2nd time I'm doing this. So everything is going to be a repetition.
S-Cow tag me and hence this is it.

Rules of the game:

Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.

At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!

  1. I've got a sequence to follow when bathing, including the sequence of removing and putting on my clothes. If I would to remove my top 1st, when wearing it, my top will be the last 1 that I would wear. This actually help me gain some control and organization in my life since my life is always beyond control. What can I say, I'm a control freak.

  2. I'm actually a very touchy-feely person. I get emotion damn quickly and will sulk about it for a day or 2 till I eventually feel that the person or things do not deserved it.

  3. I love being hug. Be it my mom, sister or friends. I really like being hugged when I'm really down hence when people is feeling down and sad, I'll hug them. As I'm projecting myself as them and hence I have this thinking that they like being hug too. I guess I am the eldest and do not exactly have enough hugs, attention and concern. For I am expected to do everything right on the 1st time.

  4. Before sleeping, I'll spent about 30 mins going through my usually routine of moisturizing myself. It's tedious but, Hey! who says beauty come naturally. Yes, I am not pretty enough and that is the reason why I have to go through this routine every single night from head to toe.

  5. I am not ready for relationship and only wish to get married in my late twenties. Relationship seems to be torturing every being on earth.

  6. If given the chance to be anything in this world, I would wanna be a character in a very sweet story with happily ever after even if I have no control of how it goes as long it's a romantic comedy. The real world is too nasty and unbearable. Think pollution, war and the likes.

  7. I need to have either a pillow, bolster or a solid wall to lean on when I sleep. I can never sleep without leaning on something. That's the reason why I have so many pillow and stuff on my bed. (My cow cow friend should know, right S-cow and B-cow?)

  8. I'm on medication since I was 15 due to a highly sensitive skin that probably can't be cured. It sucks big time trust me.

  9. I am always thinking what will it be it's I'm some one else. For example, Wouldn't it be great if I'm Felicia chin or Paris Hilton. Something like that.

  10. I like sitting in the dark. Before I leave home, I'll check whether the radio is off three times. If I miss out once, I'll re-check it 3 times again. when I wear my shoe, I'll wear it and remove it 4 time. Without doing it, I would not leave home. Then I'll have to redo it starting from the radio again and when finally it's all done, I'll then leave home.

    (Now, why would you believe that? hehe)

I Shall Tagged:

I shall be nice and not tag anyone.
All hail Fat cow!

The Whining Fat Cow
11:57 PM

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