Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
The Whining Fat Cow
12:27 AM

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Labels: Shirleen's Randomness
Exhaustion have been my best friend of late and the oh so many lonely days.
*emo emo*
Currently waiting for my mask to be done, grab a nap and it's off to lake como on a rainy, wet, cold Milano with barely enough warm clothes to keep me warm..
I'm screwed!
The Whining Fat Cow
3:45 PM

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Who say blog post have to be all long n lengthy?
New roster is out. Pretty decent I would say. However, trepidation is crippling me. Instead or all being hype up and eager for flight, I'm worried. I'm a newbie all over again! Business class, a whole new different standard totally.
Jeez, knew this day will come. Time to get nagged, bitched and screwed Shirleen. Like what the pilot will say in an unlikely event, "Brace for impact!".
The only trip that I'm really looking forward too is Taipei. I'll definitely shopped till I Drop ... collaspe. I'm just crossing my fingers that I will not shop my saving away. *ahem*
Can't wait! I wish it's August already. On the other hand, I also wish that time will slow down. Can you believe it's mid july already? Now, where did all the 'months' go?
Oxymoron much?
The Whining Fat Cow
12:25 AM

Friday, March 19, 2010
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
You know how some time, when all your friends are busy with work and you, yourself are constantly meeting different people and not your own friends with the exception of only your family, it some how makes you feel like an island.
Although everyone is just a phone call or a text message away, it's still feels like you're all alone. The loneliness just seems to gobble u down into this deep dark hole. Some may argue, "but your family is still there what, what about those who don get to see them". Well, that's beside the point.
I don remember when was the last time I had a good laugh with my friends. Even though recently, i just met up with my cliques for a session of mahjong, it some how feels different. Or is it just me? It just makes me miss those days where, me and bestie stay over at win's place just to hang out and laugh at our own silliness.
I have no idea why in the world am I wallowing in self pity now. I have a job which most would like to have besides the weird off days (which I am blaming for the lack of social time), a family who is very supportive and friends who is always there if i need someone to talk to. By phone or msn.
Technology really deprive the human contact. Everything can be done in the comfort of our own room.
What I'm trying to say is, I'm missing the personal contact, the meet ups and the fun. I guess, this is what it means to be a grown up. Each have their commitments, responsibility and their life to lead. Each of us have got different drives and goal.
It's no longer like what it use to be. Those that will stay, will stay regardless.
Now, I know why there are people who keep saying they want to be young again. It's not really about the age but the things u do, the experience at those time.
I want to be young again.
The Whining Fat Cow
7:52 PM

Friday, March 12, 2010
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
What an eventful flight back from dubai.
All that had happened feel so surreal, a dream. I've never thought things like this would happen on me.
I've actually helped in delivering a baby. A newborn to this world. Her strong, soft cry. The mother grasping my hand for the final push. It was amazing.
Now, I love my job.
The Whining Fat Cow
9:41 PM