Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Off late, fate have been the topic around me.
Does it really exist? And how do u know it when it comes knocking bring along a wonderful person or yet another lousy individual. This does not apply to relationships only. Friends as well.
Do you really believe in it?
Do I?
I really wonder. Frankly, I have no idea. It is said that when it come dropping down.. No matter what u do, u cannot avoid it. The people u meet on the street, the friends you make. Is that fate that brings 2 together or just coincidence and it's created by us human.
But then again, what's coincidence? Is it the work of fate? Or we creating chances for ourself.
Some people u meet are there to stay. Some not so much. They basically jus step into ur life and mess it up living a whole chunk of mess behind. Which by the way hurt u big time.
Life and it's mystery.
Am I thinking too much basically creating all the question for myself, hence the insomnia? Yup! I'm certaintly am.
Sigh! If only there is a official guide book to life: it's mystery and 1001 to save urself from pains and problems.
The Whining Fat Cow
4:20 AM