Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

10 mins to 6pm (Gmt +6)

Since I am utterly bored, waiting for 6pm to come 8pm sg time, I shall pen some of my thought down.

In just 4 hours, I would be a year older and I was thinking, what have i actually accomplish up till now.

A mediocre Dip result and went on to working. ok Maybe i did achieve one of my childhood dream and I may whine n whine about my job. But I'm truly thankful for this opportunityand what I really wanna do next is to get the chance to study overseas

Will I ever get to have this chance? I hope. But however at this rate of spending, I seriously doubt so.

The Whining Fat Cow
7:41 PM

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