Thursday, July 9, 2009
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Man... I'm getting awfully inconsistent in blogging.
But how leh... I'm really tired and lazy. Every off day is so precious to me. I usually spent it our doing errands, Mani/Pedi or packing my room.
Ya, room is in a mess everytime I come back home..
I think u can deduce that from all the hotel pictures. I am so not a neat freak. Messy up the hotel is a way for me to feel more like home. So lonely u know.
K la i think if i continue on.. i'm gonna crash right here, right now. Been up for 26 hours.
Cairo pictures will be up real soon or maybe I shld Just like my FB link down.
The Whining Fat Cow
3:08 PM