Thursday, July 2, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Been so long.

I've just realise that it's been awhile since I have actually written anything up. However, it's not much of a difference la, with the standard of english that I am using and the abrupt ending for almost all the post, having photolog and whatnots is the best.

So much have happened on this flight and I've come to realise that the culture here is so different and complex that one will unknowingly step into a mine field. Backstabbing and rumors fly faster then the plane.

Conversation during breakfast made me wonder what the fuck have I gotten myself into. Some people are just basically insane and out to drive everyone bonkers.

At the split moment I have the dying urge to just give up but the debts will be insane.

How I wish I am back to school.

Photos of Cairo will be up once I am home. Weather was insane. If SG is hot, Dubai and Cairo is hell on earth.


The Whining Fat Cow
3:15 PM

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