Friday, July 24, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


hmm... I'm still alive and kicking people.

My job kinda drains up my free time and the only constant update that I have is via twitter. I must say twitter is pretty much a big part of me now.

Anyway, it's been a while since I've updated. I seriously doubt anyone will be intrested in how unlucky I am or the fact that friends who I find are the nicest being on earth to have a series of unfortunate event.

Awfully relatives, crazy working colleagues and basically a series of things one would never want to have in your life. Although I know that she's extremely affected bout it, some how she still manages to smile.

Kudos to u girl.. I really think you're one person too nice to deserve all this crap, we'll just have to brace thru the dark phase.

Job is still good however, I am so freaking careless and inexperienced which cause me loads of blunders and at times ovre trival matter I get chided off.. Ah the wonder of the working society and the culture..

The Whining Fat Cow
6:47 PM

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