Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Hey Hey!
It's me again.
man! I'm really losing touch with blogging. so many time, i would come here fully determine to write something but only to give it up for I have no clue what to write.
life's been good to me. work's good too. I'm starting to have a balance with my savings and spending. credit card bill is no longer sky rocketing that i have to wait for the next month pay check. Yup am proud of myself.
But But!
I'm so longing for a Chanel wallet right now. been thinking of getting it since 8 months ago and I'm still pending. =( 2.55 however and wait a couple of years more.
Shld I or shld I not?
Look at it! and tell me you don want it.
Sigh I'm a sucker for Chanel.
Anyway, I just got my wisdom tooth extracted. The pain was extremely excruciating once the anesthetic wear off. but it got bearable after about 4 hours or so.
Sadly I'm on soft diet now, which would mean~ all I get is porridge for all meals.
and also looking like a chip munk
Super attractive dont u think. BaH!
The Whining Fat Cow
9:58 PM