Friday, December 25, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Odd Xmas.

Ah, it's Christmas.

For the 1st time since knowing my bunch of friend, I'm home typing a blog entry. Every year, it would be up getting intoxicated at club. It feels so odd being home.

Moreover, with the job that I'm having now, it's really difficult for me to get off days on public holiday. I so wanna party and have fun with ppl who I'm really close with only to realize that my friends hates partying. The guys especially.

we ended up having steamboat and mahjong session at my place and them leaving home even before midnight. =(

Miss hanging out with my friend.

In fact, I miss having a life. Period.

I seriously have issues.

Am I all dark and twisty?

The Whining Fat Cow
12:24 AM

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