Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Back for a Quickie!!

Ahh.. I'm finally back for a short update. It's been a little more then 6 months since I've updated..

Job is still good but tiring. Am currently trained for 380 but apparently not for long now. Before you know it, it bye bye europe and helloOO! America.

Kinda dread this change. Just when u get comfortable, seat all warmed up, you get things like that. The bright side is that I can now finally stop complaining about all the London and hong kong t/a that I'm getting or will get.

I've seen Paris and well, i can't say I like it so it's no love lost for me. Zurich, Zurich would be a station that I'll miss dearly. It may be a quiet station but it's a station where I truly get to rest my bones and have some 'me' time. People there are awesome too

Yup, lots have happened and I've no longer pen down my thots. However, lately I've been overwhelmed with things that I have no idea who to talk to.

Firstly, I do not wanna further irritate who ever has been listening to me whine n crap about things.

Secondly, I'm tired of second guessing myself all the time and constantly wondering 'did I say something which I should not have said, again?'

I don know what should n should not be, whats right and wats wrong anymore.

I have got so much to say but have no idea where to start. Guess it will be in me till the day I go 'ah ha!! See I told u so!'

The Whining Fat Cow
12:27 AM

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