Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Seeing red.


I removed it several hours later after realizing that that I've got 2 wedding dinner (Shit! totally have no idea what to wear) to attend this weekend (gonna get nag by my relatives once they see this) and it's so inappropriate for school.

Makes me look like a hooker la!

It's just probably that it's been a long time since I've applied nail polish on my finger and it takes time getting use to it. Maybe one day, when I feel up to it, I would then take that out of the fridge and start playing around with it. Now I guess, I'll stick with the less striking color. With that red, I believe that anyone standing a mile away would be able to spot me out.

And I'm kinda pissed with how I spent my day today. Ugh! chitter chatter chitter chatter non-stop. When will they be able to learn! Yes, I'm still somehow soar about it.

Can you blame me for that?

After chatting with K-cow last night I've come to realize that you are not who I thought you are. Trying to make me look bad in front of a friend or sis to say who I have known since 14? Try harder.

Anyway, I'm glad it's all rainbow after the storm for S-cow. Stay cool and calm, my dear!

Got to go.

P.S: Coincidentally, the wedding dinner clashes with the day Harry Potter and the deathly hollow! Still thinking should I skip the 2nd dinner to stay home to finish the book! Both my sister and I having been arguing who to read the book first and we resorted to camping in front of the door so as whoever touch it 1st, read it first. Madness.

P.P.S: Caught the Harry Potter movie. It wasn't that bad but it's so freaking rushy. So many little (but important) details were left out. For example: Percy turning back against his family, telling Ron not to stay around Harry.

Yes! I'm a Potter freak.

P.P.P.S: My brother loves S-cow and B-cow more than me. I'm jealous! The moment he sees me when I was walking home (he was playing in the playground, you see) he ran to me (which he never does) and asked me when are they coming over again. Thanks, den short for Alden, for treating me so nicely.

The Whining Fat Cow
12:06 AM

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