Monday, October 8, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


It's been so long since I actually penned my thoughts.

I guess the reason is that my life have been pretty much dull and mundane. Totally dissociate myself from the complexity of life and it's many problem. All that I am doing now is staying home, indulge my self with all the skin care products, vegetating in front of the television and coming online doing nothing. Not that I am complaining, in fact I'm really grateful for this period before school actually starts and all the madness starts rushing in like water through taps.

Maybe it's just me. Pressure and people make me skittish. Especially when you know that certain thinks are still happening and there is no way of approaching it. No detours. It's either you crash or you fall off the mountain.

That's how I see it.

I think something is really wrong with me. Being pessimistic and all. Come to think of it, I've been this way all along. I'm a avoider. I avoid problems. I avoid facing a problem. I avoid people who make me feel awkward. I avoid getting myself into situations when I know problem will definitely bound to arise, i.e; relationship. I just avoid.

I'm a avoider. Save me the heartache and the funny feeling. The breaking out in cold sweat thing. Confrontation. Awkward silence. Yes. I hate it all.

Speaking of relationship, lately a gal pal of mine seem to have her leg stuck in it. The problem seems to be recurring. Always the same thing. Guy lie to girl, girl find out, girl keep mum but try to broach it, guy flare up, guy blame girl.

I guess all we (as friends) can do is stand by her and be her listening ear. I can be a tad insensitive at times but then again, I'm not perfect.

Cheer up, hons!

Night y'all.

P/s: I got the news from a friend of mine that he got dismiss from school. It's really really depressing. He's been a good friend, the life of the class. I guess we won't be seeing each other anytime soon. All the best my friend and really hope that you can keep the dog that you brought back home. Best wishes.

The Whining Fat Cow
3:00 AM

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