Friday, September 21, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

I hate my tuition boys pie.

Caught "The Waitress" on Tuesday with Cam Cam before heading for tuition with a new kid. It was not a bad show actually BUT it's definitely not for some one who loves action and extreme hilarity (apart from the funny guy sitting a sit away from both Cam and I. We had a giggle fit caused by him) the show was pretty funny itself but the funny guy beside us tripled it.


Anyway, the movie left me craving for pies. The extremely delicious looking pie on the show with weird names.

For example.
Don't they just sound delicious? umm... Yummy.

And not forgetting a really funny scene =)

Earl: [while having sex] Say something sexy, baby, something nasty.
Jenna: [deadpan] What do you want me to say?
[he climaxes]

And Cam Cam I know the song le! And no more the 2 sentence that I kept on repeating. HAHA.
Baby don't you cry, gonna make a pie, gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle. Baby don't be blue, gonna make for you, gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle. Gonna make a pie from heaven above, gonna be filled with strawberry love. Baby don't you cry, gonna make a pie, and hold you forever in the middle of my heart.

With no pie anyway, all I have for my self is Famous Amos Double choc chip cookies for DINNER. A mouth of sweetness and a tang of bitterness. Yummy! Best cookies ever.



On Wednesday, Was out and about again. This time round it was to celebrate Benji's (stupid chicken, Ben ji) Birthday. =)

Went to Katong shopping center for a singing session. Obviously I wasn't doing the singing. I can't sing for nuts. Seriously! I'm tone deaf. Cammy, on the other hand sings like a pro. Heard Stef Sun? Yes, she sounds just like her. Gary ain't that bad either.

Anyway, this time round, we were 45 mins earlier then the guys. That's a first. So guess what were we doing?

Vain potS moment.

I really think this is the best picture ever, EVER. Faceless and all with only the mouth being visible. However, I wasn't really mirror staring. I had a lash from my Masaca in my eye and it was hell. I needed Ser's eye-mo to cure it. My nose became runny after that.

Brr... The horror of Mascara.

The guys claimed that they did not planned to wear black on that day. Hmm, trying really hard to be really convince.

Nah! I'm kidding.

The pictures of us wasn't really nice But what the hell right. Who in the world takes nice pictures all day and never once a bad shot. Not even Heidi Klum takes nice picture 24/7.

The singing session was really cheap. So cheap the you would think KBOX is actually a 6-star 'lounge' to sing. 3 hours in Katong cost the 6 of us 22 bucks. IN TOTAL.

22 bucks for KBOX is like only for per person. But the catch is that there is no service, no soft drinks but water and u have buy food in yourself. It's still a steal though.


Today, I had runs. Apparently I ate too much sambal last night with them when we were having dinner at 85. Well can you blame me? Going to 85 and not eating chili is like going to a desert and u see snow.

Anyway, was out again (this time being dragged by my mom) to town with my sister in tow. She however didn't went reluctantly. She even wanted to skip tuition just so she can have the time to go Bugis and spend more of my mom's cash.

Of course, It was a big No. haha Moreover I have a tuition at 4pm. (sad life). Went to spend a bomb in my facial product. About 300 bucks I think.

Don't look at me with that incredulous look. I know it's expensive but I'm getting old and I've been using that since I was what, 15?

Hazelnut latte!

Had lunch at TCC food was great. Hazelnut latte was best But I was too stuffed to finish it.

Being totally random, Britney spears is going BONKERS!!!!!!

ok bye.


Abrupt ending.

The Whining Fat Cow
12:18 AM

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