Saturday, September 1, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Broke, dead broke.

Suddenly having so much free time at hand is really overwhelming.


Anyway, went out the whole day again yesterday. I think I spent almost 20 buck on transportation alone.

Bought E-Cow his birthday present. A black Nintendo DS Lite. He is so lucky to have us as his friends. haha.

This is the reason why this month I'm so broke that I'm practically chewing my tongue for breakfast, lunch and dinner to allow me to have the illusion that I'm eating. Every penny spent, I've got to consider and reconsider. Including food.

It's so bad that it made me look pathetic.

On our way to E-Cow's place which is flooded with S-Cow voice as she was calling his name over and over again, we saw a couple of local celebrity. Pictures will be up soon as we were using S-Cow, a day old, new Sony T20.

And that's the end of today's post. Ciao

P/s: Ya i know lousy ending. wth I don't even care.

P/s/s: E-cow was really shock when we bought him his very own Nintendo. I bet he like it. If he doesn't, we'll slaughter him.

P/s/s/s: Win, rmb my Nintendo ar! haha

The Whining Fat Cow
5:07 PM

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