Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Happy Feeling

I really wish this happy feeling of mine, never goes away.

It's really funny, how I woke up this morning feeling all light and floaty. Went to school at 3pm with a straight face and not making any eye-contact with anyone walking by. And came back feeling all happy, was practically skipping my way back home.

While I was on my way home, I was thinking what and how am I going to structure my post to blog. Should I say I'm so happy that any bad news that come smacking into my face I'll still face it with a smile? Then I thought of several example, Deaths, Bad grades, Lost etc. Eventually I figure, nope all this will dampen my spirit for SURE.

So Heck! I'm happy. You can all me a slut, a bitch and whatever is in your dictionary, I'll still be happy.

The weather is nice, even it looks gloomy. The wind caressing my face so gently. Smiling all the way home to myself even when I looked like I just crawled through a series of sewage pipes. Even the music played on the radio are all happy and jumpy (Usually I find the song sucky). The DJ(s) are extremely funny today.

If you were to ask me why am I so happy today, I'll tell you everything makes me happy today.

No more Law CDS, no more seeing the guy is my Law CDS who tend to give me the creep, no more project, no more Lessons ( but self revision for exam), holiday is just round the corner,
the weather. Everything.

Even though I know that this happy feeling never last long. Since, whenever I'm feeling over the moon, I'll be disappointed eventually. Give it 2 hours and you'll see me all nutty again.



P/s: What gets bigger when you take more of it out? (hee Hee)

A Hole, Silly!

The Whining Fat Cow
4:19 PM

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