Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Legs - nonsensical rambling

After having the Eczema rash on my legs, It suddenly dawn on me that legs are very important, to me that is.

Yes I know legs are important no matter what as it allow us to travel from point A to B. But what I'm saying is that it should also look nice.

Scar free.

Bimbotic right? But still I know you guys think so too. Maybe it's just for the girls. I was on the bus today and was sitting on the rear of the bus when I saw this guy in Bermudas. He's quite tan and has a pair of leg that is free of leg hair. I'm fine with that since I have a guy friend without leg hair and mind you he has got a nice pair of leg. Right E-cow a.k.a winwincow. Ha Ha!

So anyway, the guy on the bus ( let's name him kiwi ), I was sitting opposite him and I saw his legs. It has scars all over. My guess is, it is either mosquito bite, it itches and he scratch it or is that he was beaten by bed bug, it itchy and he scratch it. Leaving scars, so many scars on his legs. A friend of mine will call it 'war zone aftermath' as some one from my past has the same problem. Mean right, I know and I did chided him whenever he says that. It's not as if they want it to happen on them. Seriously, who would.

At that precise moment, I was thinking what if it happens to me? What will I do? and instantly I got my answer.

Depression. Traumatize. Jeans for the rest of my life.

Skirt and shorts are my life.

Kiwi wasn't exactly that bad looking. he's the normal average guy we would see anywhere. And I asked myself, 'Would I be able to have a boyfriend who have this 'problem'?' As superficial as it seems, I doubt I can. Unless, of course I'm really crazy and insanely in love with him to the point of stalker-ish. But I can't.

I'm so superficial.

Since I'm talking about legs, I've come to realize that so many female that I've seen, the way they sit it is so obscene. They have their legs wide open.

Coincidentally, there was this girl sitting beside kiwi, she has he legs opened as wide as kiwi's. Come on la, I know she's in jeans but then again she's a girl. shouldn't she as least sit properly outside? If she sit that way at home then it's ok la. Sometimes I do that too, although I will always get scolded for it. She's in the public after all.

Today's bus trip home was damn uncomfortable. Apart from my thought running wild, and seeing the girl who opened her leg so wide while sitting, there was this 3 Chinese girl around me. Small girl, wannabe lians. Even with music blasting into my ear, I could still hear them talking about a fight that just happened, some things ('tai ji'- in dialect) to settle blah blah. Their hands were waving in front of me. Passing things in front of me, causing me to duck my head like a chicken to prevent from getting hit.

Urban irritating.

I remembered those time when I actually did those. Now I know how the person felt. Super irritated. At least I did apologize.

Ugh! long day.

Wednesday blues. Never in my life I love Wednesday. Never.

P/S. Some parent approach me to tutor their Primary 4 son, 8 lesson per month, 1h 30 per lesson, $100. But then being the Samaritans, I offered to charge her 8 lesson per month, 1 hour per lesson, $100. Still making a lose but that's not a problem. What I fear most is that she wouldn't pay me at all.

What have I got myself into?

The Whining Fat Cow
5:49 PM

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