Saturday, July 21, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Everything that is going on today, seems to in a mad rush of frenzy. Decision Analysis (Decan) tutorial is the usual madness. Zooming by all question. However, Organization Behaviour (OB) lesson is the same as Decan which used to be a slow pace of nothingness, since I'm always in my own world during OB. Reason being, Presentation.

If you would to sit at the concourse, you'll find 4 lunatics running from blk 23 to blk 14 then back to blk 23, level 4 to level 5, one lab to another and again from blk 23 to blk 14.

It's insane.

What's worst was that when we enter for our OB class, we asked around regarding how many pages did each group had for their report,. We had answers like 27, 25 and 56!! (WTF did they write?) I was shocked, stunned silent. To think that we even feel that our 10 page report is more then enough. Compared to their shocking amount, ours is peanuts.

We or should I say, I, ran up to the lab to do some editing which was then followed by my group mates. I was typing so fast as if demons were after me while I'm pen-ing down my last words. We had only an hour to finish and submit it. The 1st printer we went too, was jammed. 2nd printer we went to, no ink. It's our 'lucky' day.

When I got home, I was rushing yet again. I guess I have to be blamed for that. Being the fickle-minded (VERY, very fickle-minded) girl, I was changing from one outfit to another. Eventually the whole room is in a mess and I had to pick it all up. Make-up time was longer as compared to the usual. Reason being, I had to fit my fake lashes (free from mascara, finally!). It's the very 1st time I had fake lashes on. Had a kind of weird sensation.

While sis was curling my straight hair into locks, I was snapping away. The brown dress was my 3rd outfit!

Initially it was what my sis was wearing. White dress with printed design BUT, it was so loose that when I release my breath, it slipped and I became half naked with only my bra on.

Sorry, E-cow, I didn't manage to wear the dress you lent me.

My really fake lashes. I think it isn't very clear as the lash are quite fine. I really think fake lashes are really good to use. I believe I'll be getting more of it, this time it would be thicker and a tad fuller.

Definitely not those thick enough that it looks as if I used a piece of black paper as my lashes.

A snap shot of my sis (yes, I changed my outfit for the 4th time) and me.

Mummy, was telling my aunt that if either of us were to wed, the spot light will always be on my sis. Even if she's my bridesmaid. She isn't really tactful with her word and goes to show how much she favour/think of me don't u think.

Sigh.. I'm always 2nd best (like it's always have been). Felt a sudden dip of emotion instantaneously. Serious esteem problem in progress.

The bride and groom. The groom is my cousin who is 29 and the bride is 21. She's really pretty I must say, so is the groom well in his case it's handsome that is. People always say, a female will always be the prettiest on the day they wed. But in my opinion, not all bride are pretty.

This is the few time where I see the a really pretty bride.

The usual routine. Going round the floor taking pictures with all the attendee. (I can never imagine myself doing that) The one in the crown is the bride and obviously, the one wit the flower in the pocket is the groom (he looks like his dad).

In the mids of all the celebration, something or should I say a conversation came up and my dad just flare up. It was really embarrassing but luckily sitting with us was a really close cousin of mine who I use to hang out with during the weekends playing and sleeping over.

Apparently, he found out that my sis have been attached for 2 yrs plus and all the while we just thought that he knew about it. My mom is in denial. These 2 years plus, my mom have never met my sis boyfriend and I really find it odd. Mostly couples who's attached from a year or more, both parties would get to meet the parent. However in my family case, it's really unique.

My dad, on the other hand, want to get to know her bf so as to see what kind of person is he like.

Serious miscommunication between my parents.

Now I know why communication is the key in a marriage. My mom never heeds anyone advices and my dad is as stubborn as a bull. Each wanting to lead their own way and keep thinking that our advice are rubbish since we are the young one's.

When will adults ever learn?

The day they loses the chance to try? The day when everything come to an end - divorce? The day that their kids ran away? The day that unexpected event happen and then everyone starts blaming one another?

I guess I will never know till that day arrives and I'm experiencing their situation myself. I wish I'll be able to communicate with my better half and listen to the young one's advice.

I guess we (my sis, mom and I) have really hurt my dad by keeping a secret from him. To him, we are all liars now.

I'm guessing away now.

I just wish I could pluck up some courage and apologize and maybe talk to my mom (which she will NOT listen) about it.

P/S: It's 2.30am already. 7 more hours till my Harry Potter arrives at my door step. Dreading and anticipating it.

The Whining Fat Cow
1:26 AM

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