Thursday, July 19, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Little Brown Bird

Was on the way home when I saw a dead bird on the floor.

It was not a crow nor a the black birds with yellow beak (I can't remember the name suddenly). It was actually those little brown birds. It was such a pitiful sight can. Wanted to take a picture of it but I figure that it's not exactly morally right (for me that is). I wouldn't like any weird people talking a picture of me when I'm dead. So I ended up walking away with my trobbing headache in toll.

Even if it's just a bird, I really think it deserve all the respect like any being.

I remembered when I was Primary 4, I was happily playing Zero-Zero point with some friends of mine when we saw a cat chasing something. We initially thought that it was chasing after a rat so none of us did anything but continue playing. However, I wasn't feeling very well after that as in I feel that something was not right.

So, being the curious 10 year old, I went back to check it and I realize it was a brown bird. So poor thing can. I shooed the cat away and scooped the injured bird up. After awhile, it flew away.

It was quite badly injured actually, really wonder did it survive when it reach home. Hope it lives to a ripe old age.

The Whining Fat Cow
6:14 PM

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