Sunday, July 22, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Yesterday, was the final journey of my years of adventure with Harry Potter in my little own space of imagination.My very own limited edition of Potter book 7. The Deathly Hollows. I waiting rather impatiently for my it to arrive at my door step that I had this urge to go get another book. Luckily I wasn't that crazy. I went on to finish some of my project stuff and...
It arrived minutes later and I dropped whatever that I was doing and settled down in my room to start reading.A whole solid 13 hours later, I've completed the book.
The final book is so action-pack. So many fights, so many deaths. Through the book there's probably 6 - 7 death.
As expected, Harry, Hermione and Ron are alive. Dumbledore remain dead. I must say J.K Rowling is really clever. Having a chapter ending with 19 years later. Harry married Ginny and have got 3 kid namely James, Lily and Albus Severus. While Hermione is married to Ron with 2 kids of their own. Rose and Hugo. This way, it makes is quite difficult to continue the series without breaking the link. If she would to continue it, I doubt it would have anything to do with the 7 book.
Thanks to the 13 hours of bending over HP, I'm having a neck so stiff that now it hurts if I turn my head left and right.
The Whining Fat Cow
3:28 PM