Thursday, July 26, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Roller coaster

Alright, I'm gonna do this real fast since my Notebook battery is depleting real fast.

The last 48 hours was 1 heck of a roller coaster ride.

Yesterday, Wednesday, morning, I was fuming. I was so angry with one of my group mate that I hated him right there and then. You might say that since I only got to know him this semester, so I should not be angry with him as I do not know him well.

Seriously! I was forced to join his group due to certain circumstances which will be another great-grandmother story. Anyway, the 1st assignment we did together, he made the decision without teling us and make us follow accordingly to it. The ideas he have and the organization selected it may seems simple to him but seriously! it's crazy. When the instruction given clearly says that... Look for any organization online with an organization structure. Of all things to choose, he decided on YOUTUBE!

Without discussing, he went up ahead and discuss it with the lecturer and came back to delegate the work. A friend of mine and I decided that enough was enough. The 3 of us told him that it's really hard but he kept on insisting that it's easy.

I know I'm quite the control freak too. But he did not even bother to talk to us about it and he wants us to do the work without knowing what the heck we are doing?

Similar. On Wednesday, this shit happen again. What's worst is the this project is 45%. I'm so dead. He's always discussing stuff with the lecturer and not with us, So much that he must as well do the project with our lecturer. UGH! and double UGGHH!!

On the same night, Some freaking prankster felt that it's funny to ring the doorbell and run off and come back again to do it. I wasn't freak out till my sis started freaking out and I realize that my dad wasn't home yet. Although he probably knows how to defend himself but it can't stop from worrying. The ringing went on for and hour till the cops arrived.

Yes, I reported it. And NO, I'm not gonna report anything ever! Ugh! The cops think that it's funny when I reported it. But seriously putting yourself in my shoe with everyone sleeping and leaving in a freaking quite and secluded place you can't blame me for worrying. After all I'm quite timid, you know and I worry for my dad.

Due to the previous night drama, I remembered the wrong time table and actually skipped my accounting lecture. 1st ever accounting lecture skipped.

Now, i'm seriously dead-beat. Had tuition with a sec 1 kid. I think I'm really disorganize jumping from 1 topic to another. Blame it on the nerves.

I was really nervous.

See, within 48 hours I experienced anger, fear, worry and nervous. What a ride!

The Whining Fat Cow
11:35 PM

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