Sunday, August 12, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
@ Ritz Carlton.
Anymore wedding, my dad will have to rob the bank already. All the more better for me.
Shark fin, Abalone, scallop, and the likes. One can never get enough of it.
Clockwise:Me, Cousy Yi shen, Alden, my brother(he can never take a proper pitcure), Cousy Ling Yi and Cousy Jing Yi.
The 2 cousin I've been playing since young!

Oh! How I miss those days.

Went back home with a stomachache. Apparently my sis, lise and me all have stomach. Too much good food.
On a total different note, I want Nintendo DS lite. EEEEEEEE...
Labels: Wedding
The Whining Fat Cow
3:10 PM