Friday, September 7, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Shirleen's alive people, just down with a bout of bad bad flu and is sniffing like a dog to clear the blocked nose and is currently hooked to deviant art. Mental I tell you, fancy spending her time staring at pictures.

Oh well.

Oh! and not forgetting, she even teared when reading Harry potter and the deathly hollow. Damn slow. See la, that's what u get when rushing through a book within 13 hours. Missing out the tiny but important detail.

Now, she mourning over the lost of Harry Potter, when everyone else have already gotten over it. She have officially gone bonkers I tell you, ding dong, ding dong, ding-a-dong.

Hmm this 3rd person point of view is fun. gonna try that out more often. haha


The Whining Fat Cow
1:58 AM

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