Friday, September 7, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
I'm normal this month!
I'm so irregular that I must as well be a guy/man or abnormal.
I'm extremely bored. So.....
1. Do you like anyone?
- Not at the moment. (I think I'm gonna be a nun)
2. Does someone like you?
- I guess? Maybe, maybe not.
How would I know?
3. Last real crush?
- Eons ago. (I chose to believe it's eons ago)
4. Been lead on?
- I guess, ya.
5. Been cheated on?
- Nope, since none of my relationship ever last long.
6. Want a relationship?
- Maybe 4-5 years later.
7. Wanna get married?
- Still thinking. If there is a guy who I know is the one then definitely.
Yes I know it says & but alot is on my mind =)
Do You:
1. Believe in God?
- well, ya. But I believe in science.
2. Had a dream come true?
- Yup, a couple. Mostly material stuff. In other aspects, No.
3. Read the newspaper?
- Yes.
4. Pray?
- Occasionally. I don't even know who I pray to anymore.
5. Have a job?
- Currently, no.
6. Have braces?
- No. I think I have a pretty nice set of teeth. But I'm constantly dreaming that my tooth drop. Nightmare.
7. Wish on stars?
- Does it even come true?
1. Fallen in love?
- what's love and what's crush?
I have even yet to figure that out.
2. Kiss someone of the same sex?
- HAHA, where?
Mouth? NO.
Cheek? yes. It's a crazy game which I still rmb
3. Swam in the dark?
- No. Love to try it one day though.
4. Been to a Bonfire?
- No, but I wanna see one. Burning unwanted things for pleasure. It will be good when I fall out with my bf. I can throw him in.
5. Ran away from home?
- Never. Why run away? Home is a place that provide security and comfort.
6. Played strip poker?
- haha, Nah. never will I either. I suck in gambling.
7. Pulled an all nighter?
- haha, Yes and it sucks. the eye bags and panda eye. Scary.
1. Cried?
- Tear? yup reading Harry Potter. Remus and Tonks died when they just had a child. Poor baby.
2. Had fun?
- If you consider reading harry Potter fun, then Ya
3. Been kissed?
- Nope.
4. Felt stupid?
- No.
5. Talked to an ex?
- Erm No.
6. Missed someone?
- Yes. A couple of my friends.
7. Hugged someone?
- Nope. would you like one?
Part 1: The Birth of You
Were you a planned baby?:
- I think so, since I was given birth 3 yrs after they got married.
Were you the first?:
- Unfortunately, Yes.
Who was present at your birth?:
- The birthing crew. Dad could not be present, caused I came out leg 1st. Heard that it's dangerous. I could have die You know and there will be no shirleen.
OoH! think about that.
Were your parents married when you
were born?:
- Duh. My mom got married at 18 with parental consent and I was born 3 yrs later.
What is your birthdate?:
- 10 days after teachers day.
Part 2: The Family
Are you parents married or divorced?
- Still married and I hope it for the next 50 yrs.
An only child?:
- Unfortunately not. haha ok I love my sibs ok.
If you have siblings are you oldest,
middle, or youngest?:
- eldest, Unfortunately! (didn't I say that b4?)
What are your siblings names?:
- Lim Xue Yin, Denise and Lim Jun Jie, Alden.
Which parent do you get along with
- erm, you mean there is a different level of closeness?
What do you fight about?:
- everything.
Do you have step parents?:
- no
Part 3: The Friends
Do you have more than one best
- hmm, of cos.
What do you like to do when you are
- Chat, eat, shop, sleep, tv, movie.
Do you share the same interests?:
- it depends.
Which friend can you tell anything to?:
- I don really have alot secrets or studd that's really insane do ser, cam and eve. but usually, Me myself and I
Part 4: Your Personality
How high/low is your self esteem?:
- it's a roller coaster ride.
Do you get depressed about things
- yes. but trying to over come it
Are you an extrovert (outgoing) or an
introvert (reserved)?:
- introvert. it's different when u know me.
Are you happy?:
- currently everything is smooth so ya. I'm contented with it.
Do you live life to the fullest?:
- do we?
Part 5: Appearance
Are you comfortable with the way you
- yes, but there are thing I which it differ.
Describe your hair?:
- long, dark brown-black. Wishing to dye it.
How do you dress?:
- simple and casual. So long it's comfy
Part 6: The Past
Were you a strange child?:
- strange? No quiet, shy and easily misunderstood.
What did you use to love that you no
longer do?:
- erm. dolls?
Do you have the same friends?:
- yes. 10 yrs ago, evelyn. Now it's still the same. 5 Yrs ago, My group and it still is now. Though it's hell b4 that.
Was there anything in your past that
was traumatizing?:
- yes. Yes! alot. The harrassment on the train 5 yrs ago. The hel I been though 7 yrs ago.
Part 7: The Future
What is your ambition?:
- Wow. To see the world, To earn big bucks n a good job that I like.
Are you scared of growing old?:
- who doesn't. Thinking about 5 yrs later, scares me like hell.
Do you want to get married?:
- erm. I thought I answered that
Part 8: The Outdoors
Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?:
- Indoor.
Favorite Season:
- What season you want?
- winter.
Do you like walking in the rain?:
- Yes, if'm I free of Hp mp3.
Part 9: Food
Are you a vegetarian?:
- Nope. Meant is too delicious to avoid.
What is your favorite food?:
-Laska, tom yum, Korean BBQ chicken wings, the list can go on.
What food makes you want to gag?
- Brinjal. bittergourd.
What is your favorite dessert?
- Strawberry.
What is your favorite restaurant?:
- er I can't rmb the name. the raman restaurant at The Central.
Are you a fussy eater?:
- Yes.
Part 10: Relationships and Love
Are you single or taken?:
- Single and loving every bit of it.
If taken who is the lucky guy/girl?:
-Haha. will tell u when there is such a person.
Do you think love is the best feeling
in the world?:
- No. It's a double edged sword.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
- No.
Part 11: Experiences
What was one of your greatest
- Seeing snow falling around me. the flakes on my glove. It's beautiful, so beautiful.
What was one of the worst?:
- Having a mentally unsound guy openly looked into my skirt... No! wait.. It's having friendSS who back stabbed u.
Have you ever done drugs?:
- HA! I would rather die then doing that.
Have you ever thought you were going
to die?:
- Yup.
The Whining Fat Cow
5:21 PM