Friday, September 7, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.



I'm normal this month!

I'm so irregular that I must as well be a guy/man or abnormal.



I'm extremely bored. So.....

  1. Beds
  2. Tv
  3. Notebook
  4. Lamps.
  5. Books
  6. A/c
  7. Dvd Player


1. Do you like anyone?
- Not at the moment. (I think I'm gonna be a nun)

2. Does someone like you?
- I guess? Maybe, maybe not.
How would I know?

3. Last real crush?
- Eons ago. (I chose to believe it's eons ago)

4. Been lead on?
- I guess, ya.

5. Been cheated on?
- Nope, since none of my relationship ever last long.

6. Want a relationship?
- Maybe 4-5 years later.

7. Wanna get married?
- Still thinking. If there is a guy who I know is the one then definitely.


  1. Grams
  2. Friends
  3. MP3
  4. NoteBook
  5. Family
  6. Money
  7. Books/Novels


  1. Shit, I'm turning 20 soon.
  2. Got to catch the 6pm show on channel U
  3. Should I get a job b4 staying over at my friends place?
  4. When will I clear my Driving License Test and all?
  5. Will my friends feel bored on Sunday when they are over for dinner at my place?
  6. Why does my mom seems to neglect me so much?
  7. What will I do after Poly?
  8. How did I fare for this semester?
Yes I know it says & but alot is on my mind =)

Do You:

1. Believe in God?
- well, ya. But I believe in science.

2. Had a dream come true?
- Yup, a couple. Mostly material stuff. In other aspects, No.

3. Read the newspaper?
- Yes.

4. Pray?
- Occasionally. I don't even know who I pray to anymore.

5. Have a job?
- Currently, no.

6. Have braces?
- No. I think I have a pretty nice set of teeth. But I'm constantly dreaming that my tooth drop. Nightmare.

7. Wish on stars?
- Does it even come true?


1. Fallen in love?
- what's love and what's crush?
I have even yet to figure that out.

2. Kiss someone of the same sex?
- HAHA, where?
Mouth? NO.
Cheek? yes. It's a crazy game which I still rmb

3. Swam in the dark?
- No. Love to try it one day though.

4. Been to a Bonfire?
- No, but I wanna see one. Burning unwanted things for pleasure. It will be good when I fall out with my bf. I can throw him in.

5. Ran away from home?
- Never. Why run away? Home is a place that provide security and comfort.

6. Played strip poker?
- haha, Nah. never will I either. I suck in gambling.

7. Pulled an all nighter?
- haha, Yes and it sucks. the eye bags and panda eye. Scary.


1. Cried?
- Tear? yup reading Harry Potter. Remus and Tonks died when they just had a child. Poor baby.

2. Had fun?
- If you consider reading harry Potter fun, then Ya

3. Been kissed?
- Nope.

4. Felt stupid?
- No.

5. Talked to an ex?
- Erm No.

6. Missed someone?
- Yes. A couple of my friends.

7. Hugged someone?
- Nope. would you like one?

Part 1: The Birth of You

Were you a planned baby?:
- I think so, since I was given birth 3 yrs after they got married.

Were you the first?:
- Unfortunately, Yes.

Who was present at your birth?:
- The birthing crew. Dad could not be present, caused I came out leg 1st. Heard that it's dangerous. I could have die You know and there will be no shirleen.
OoH! think about that.

Were your parents married when you
were born?:
- Duh. My mom got married at 18 with parental consent and I was born 3 yrs later.

What is your birthdate?:
- 10 days after teachers day.

Part 2: The Family

Are you parents married or divorced?
- Still married and I hope it for the next 50 yrs.

An only child?:
- Unfortunately not. haha ok I love my sibs ok.

If you have siblings are you oldest,
middle, or youngest?:
- eldest, Unfortunately! (didn't I say that b4?)

What are your siblings names?:
- Lim Xue Yin, Denise and Lim Jun Jie, Alden.

Which parent do you get along with
- erm, you mean there is a different level of closeness?

What do you fight about?:
- everything.

Do you have step parents?:
- no

Part 3: The Friends

Do you have more than one best
- hmm, of cos.

What do you like to do when you are
- Chat, eat, shop, sleep, tv, movie.

Do you share the same interests?:
- it depends.

Which friend can you tell anything to?:
- I don really have alot secrets or studd that's really insane do ser, cam and eve. but usually, Me myself and I

Part 4: Your Personality

How high/low is your self esteem?:
- it's a roller coaster ride.

Do you get depressed about things
- yes. but trying to over come it

Are you an extrovert (outgoing) or an
introvert (reserved)?:
- introvert. it's different when u know me.

Are you happy?:
- currently everything is smooth so ya. I'm contented with it.

Do you live life to the fullest?:
- do we?

Part 5: Appearance

Are you comfortable with the way you
- yes, but there are thing I which it differ.

Describe your hair?:
- long, dark brown-black. Wishing to dye it.

How do you dress?:
- simple and casual. So long it's comfy

Part 6: The Past

Were you a strange child?:
- strange? No quiet, shy and easily misunderstood.

What did you use to love that you no
longer do?:
- erm. dolls?

Do you have the same friends?:
- yes. 10 yrs ago, evelyn. Now it's still the same. 5 Yrs ago, My group and it still is now. Though it's hell b4 that.

Was there anything in your past that
was traumatizing?:
- yes. Yes! alot. The harrassment on the train 5 yrs ago. The hel I been though 7 yrs ago.

Part 7: The Future

What is your ambition?:
- Wow. To see the world, To earn big bucks n a good job that I like.

Are you scared of growing old?:
- who doesn't. Thinking about 5 yrs later, scares me like hell.

Do you want to get married?:
- erm. I thought I answered that

Part 8: The Outdoors

Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?:
- Indoor.

Favorite Season:
- What season you want?
- winter.

Do you like walking in the rain?:
- Yes, if'm I free of Hp mp3.

Part 9: Food

Are you a vegetarian?:
- Nope. Meant is too delicious to avoid.

What is your favorite food?:
-Laska, tom yum, Korean BBQ chicken wings, the list can go on.

What food makes you want to gag?
- Brinjal. bittergourd.

What is your favorite dessert?
- Strawberry.

What is your favorite restaurant?:
- er I can't rmb the name. the raman restaurant at The Central.

Are you a fussy eater?:
- Yes.

Part 10: Relationships and Love

Are you single or taken?:
- Single and loving every bit of it.

If taken who is the lucky guy/girl?:
-Haha. will tell u when there is such a person.

Do you think love is the best feeling
in the world?:
- No. It's a double edged sword.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
- No.

Part 11: Experiences

What was one of your greatest
- Seeing snow falling around me. the flakes on my glove. It's beautiful, so beautiful.

What was one of the worst?:
- Having a mentally unsound guy openly looked into my skirt... No! wait.. It's having friendSS who back stabbed u.

Have you ever done drugs?:
- HA! I would rather die then doing that.

Have you ever thought you were going
to die?:
- Yup.

The Whining Fat Cow
5:21 PM

Thanks for writing this.
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