Thursday, October 4, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
... my BTT *deadpan*
Who doesn't?
Too darn tired to write many many(deliberately written in this manner). I shall let the pictures do the talking and I can go rot on my bed till tomorrow noon. Make that late noon. The Do Not Disturb sign will be out. Not even my sis who have nightmare will wake me up just to snuggle beside me. ( She did that 2 night ago. You didn't hear that from me. ;) )
Ok, maybe it will. I'm not that mean afterall.
Some really horrible pictures I'd taken today. Mind you, I slept for only 4 hours and woke up 7 freaking am in the morning. Hence I look pale as hell and lifeless.

Few days back, was over at Edwin's place with Serene. So, I decided to whipped up something for them. Cheesy Macaroni with bacon.
Ok, I'm too tired to continue.
Night all.
P/s: dreading school to start.
The Whining Fat Cow
8:53 PM