Sunday, July 6, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.



没想到着三个的时间过的那么快。妈妈说我胖了,朋友说我变cheena了。虽然在回家的路上有点依依不舍,散心难过。But the moment I saw my parents, the moment my phone is flooded with msg from my friends, all the sadness and reluctance faded away. Home is definitely where I belong be it through the good times and the bad.

Being in china for 3 short months I've come to realize that my English had deteriorate so much that it's scaring the crap out of me. This 3 months may be attachment period but it felt like a 3 months worth of holiday despite being really busy at times and having to do O.T till 8pm or worst 10.30pm(but i enjoyed myself when we OT-ed till 10.30 pm that day). It was really a good 3 month.

As much as I love it there, home is still home. At one point, I felt a great sense of helplessness for I have lost my freedom and the time for myself.

Solitary time is really important to me. It give me time to recharge myself, reflect, reminisce and just plainly enjoy the quietness. Sometime being around everyone for 24/7 requires me to put up a mask to hide my true feeling.

I admit, I am headstrong, I always want to have the last say, I snap easily and i like things to go my way. I ain't perfect. I don socialize well either. These 3 months made me realize I either have to try to accommodate the majority or I can be the girl that no one wants to hang out with during playtime in kindergarten.

There's no such thing as being yourself. But who am I to try to please everyone I know? Why do I have the desire to please everyone I know when I know that it's gonna make me feel like crap after that? Am I suffering certain psychological disorder?

When you have enough shit in your life, you just want to cut off from all this nonsense. I treasure the people that crosses my path, I chose to believe that they are good till they screwed everything up.

I guess it's high time I stop condemning my self. So what if you are the sort that do not have a high social profile. So what if you only have a couple of friends who will be there for you be it good or bad and does not get angry when you change plans at the last minute. They are the ones that matter.

Jeez, I think I digressed way too much. This is what solitary time does to me after 3 months without it.

Anyway, say hello to boo boo 1 and boo boo 2.

This is what happens when I try to heave a 33kg luggage on to my trolley. Not forgetting all the muscle ache I have after that. Well, of what little muscle that I have that is.

being on the plan on my way here, I was filled with reluctance and were practically gloomy on the 5 hour trips back. 3 months may be short but friendship and attachment had been formed. Be it with the ah yi at the hostel, the driver that drove us around to place that we want to go, staffs in the warehouse where we did all our projects and last but not least the management team that took care of us fastidiously.

When we work till late, they will be worried that we are hungry and they shoo us home or bring us out for lunch/dinner. They would also bring us out to places of attraction despite being there before. Although we all may not be very very close, they still treated us like part of their family.

Yi rui Jie, Fu Ling Jie, I'll miss you guys. (if you are wondering why is it a pic of them and esther it's cause my pic is still in fu ling jie camera).

Yi rui jie, I will miss the time when you brought us to the Korean restaurant for lunch and then to the wet market to get the extremely sweet and juicy honeydew and peaches.

Fu Ling Jie, I will miss the finally week with you. Us in your factory doing the hundreds and hundreds of threads and you getting xiao cao to visit us ever so ofter for u worry way to much. You're afraid that we do not have enough water to drink, you worry that we are hungry and decided to end work earlier then you usually do. You bringing us out for lunch and dinner jus cause it is our last week here and you laughing at all our silliness or our so-very-unfunny comments. We really enjoyed doing the packaging when you are meeting a deadline despite being totally exhausted.

I would miss everyone there! ~.~ Poh fong jie, Flor, Chui Ling, both Ah yi who help us cooked all our meals and the Ah yi who washes our clothing for us.

I would miss Guang Quan Jie. The shopping district that make Bugis Village look minuscule and where we used to hang out at every week ends bargaining and chilling at starbucks, people watching.

I would miss looking like a auntie with not a care to my fashion sense for there will be no chance where by I will meet someone I recognize on the street. Heaving my bag of loots all around banging onto people for people there are plainly rude as well.

I would miss having my bags filled to the brim with cheap goods and having ppl asking me where am I from so I can lie through my teeth saying that I am from all sorts of places that I have never been too before.

I would miss shopping at AuChan and Carrefour weekly, spending hundreds of renminbi on snacks and munching on my Glico products such as pejoy and pretz.

This chapter of my life have come to an end. It time to create a new chapter moving forward and remembering the good times when I am down to put a smile on my face. It's fate that bought all of us together. It fate that allow me to meet you guys.

If only...

If only... good things do not come to an end. But sadly all good things come to an end.

The Whining Fat Cow
1:58 AM

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