Saturday, May 10, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Shanghai Trip

Alright people, it's peek-ture time again.

Anyway, I'm serious I can't view my own page but I can blog so I can't reply any tags on my tag board. So sad can. The tag board is like the soul of this whole blog. It would mean I can't communicate with people anymore~ I'm an island! T_T

Ok~ Early last Sunday morning, we set of for Shanghai as Mrs Ma the wife of the owner of this whole big-ass company was here for the last day. So, it's a shopping trip for us. It was rather depressing to find it raining la.

Basically from what I heard when it starts to rain really often it means the season is changing so spring is ending and the nightmarish summer is coming. It can actually have a high of 42 degree. Imagine that! getting roasted just by stepping out or even staying in. Thank god I will be back home by then. Thinking of the crazy weather back home scares me so much already. After all I've been here for 1 months plus with a terrific cool weather.

This is Shanghai for you. The roads are like maze. There are road side stall everywhere, just imagine vehicle drive by with black harmful exhaust and dust, lands on food and you eat it. Sound delicious don't you think? Haha, but I would wanna try it 1 day maybe on my last day here.

Anyway, so we stop for lunch at this really nice restaurant. The ambiance was great. It was once a art gallery if I'm not wrong but whatever it is, it serves great food. Yes and we are all patiently waiting for our lunch to be serve albeit exhausted.

Once after lunch, we went on a shopping rampage. Everyone of us carries 3 - 4 bags. It was rather chilly hence we are either putting our hands in our pocket of folding it. It wasn't posed just for taking picture. We were actually standing like that for about 5 minutes.

Yes, yes! The landmark of shanghai

Finally, we went for dinner. Once again it's seafood. They have such a wide variety that it's a little scary. When I say wide, it's really really wide I think if I would to put up the pictures, all of you guys will lose your appetite.

Hmm maybe I should.

There you go. This is only 1/8 of the whole assorted variety. Tell me, do you dare to eat the seafood on the 1st row 3rd picture from the left? It looks very erm.. scary and it gives me goosebumps just by looking at it.

Okie dokie~ I shall end my post here will be back next Saturday if I would to have any more pictures as It's highly impossible that I'll be going anywhere this weekend.

p/s: My friends who were in Myanmar are going back today due to the cyclone. What an experience gain although a tragic 1. All 4 of them are safe and sound that's the most important thing.

p/p/s: I'm broke for this month. Mummy~ haha

p/p/p/s: Esther is coming back on Monday!! Yippeee


The Whining Fat Cow
11:44 AM

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