Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Grey Sky Noon!

Good afternoon y'all.

It's been a cold cold start of the week. It's alway grey and gloomy here and nothing surprises me anymore. One min the sky can be really nice and comfy and the next min, wind could be howling like no body business. Temperature fluctuate on 2 extreme ends here.

This morning I woke up to find that there is no water. It's damn sad I tell you. I have to brush my teeth with the measly amount of water the tap could give and by the time I'm done with my teeth, there is none left to wash my face. Hence, I have to make use of the drinking water available.

No water means no shower. No shower means sleepy for the whole crappy day. I was yawning throughout the whole morning while doing my stuff. It was damn bad. The following pictures shows what I did to make myself away.

Yup, glum look. There's more, so if you are sick of it you can close this window. =)

Hip hopping? Nah! break-dancing..

That is me running to the hostel. The wind is freaking cold. !!

Alright I shall end my post here and will be back soon! ^^













Oh Oh here's another pic.

Cute anot. HAHA Cammy said I look like a terrorist but I love this pic. It's not everytime I post stupid pictures up okie~


The Whining Fat Cow
4:29 PM

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