Saturday, March 15, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


It's been a while since I last posted picture of me hanging out with my friends. It's not that I haven been going out, on the contrary, I've been going out so often that I don even have enough money to spent. It's just that we are taking lesser pictures.

I'm getting really self - conscious of me look like crap in pictures.

Yes, this is me shying away from the camera when Serene was trying to take my picture. Try not to focus your attention on my ugly black roots.

There are several other which are DAMN horrifying. It's all deleted instantly when I saw it.

Anyway, after that mini outburst of me feeling trapped, let's just say it's karma. I forgot to bring my purse out, Serene was angry with me and everything just went hay wired. Imagine going to MOS without IC.

What to do, at the point in time, I guess I was just at my wits end and was feeling pretty desperate hence the outburst. My temper lately is all out of controlled. I get pissed, irritated and annoyed very easily which in turn make me damn annoying.

Obviously, cause of my being a scattered brain, MOS is postponed to this coming Wednesday and since most of us are out and some friends not turning up. We caught "Water horse" and had dinner.

I think "Water Horse" is too scary for kids. Bloody hell, I even got scare. My tolerance for horror/thriller flick is equal to a 10 year old. In the mids of the movie, I even cowered near cam whispering " I'm scared, how?"

So there, I'm as timid as a mouse.

Alright got to go meet my mom in 15 mins and I have yet to change. GREAT!

The Whining Fat Cow
5:44 PM

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