Saturday, March 8, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


I'm really baffle.

How in the world do you know that you have fallen for a certain someone?

It make me feel so sad that I'm actually asking this question. It makes me wonder is my heart dead?

When I look back and try to remember when was the last time I had actually fallen for some one, I realize that it's been so long, way too long.

Times like this really frustrates me. It is I who push myself away from having a relationship and now, it is I once again looking and hoping to actually know what it is.

What do I really want?

It's really funny, how some people think that they are actually in love with you when they have only chatted with you online and able to seriously tell you I love you. It makes me wonder, love, is that so easy to fathom? Some on the other hand would cling on you no matter how many time you have made it clear making u trap and unable to breathe.

Even when you want to move on, you can't help to think and feel guilty about it. For hurting that very person. On the other hand, you cannot be with that person as for obvious reason, the feeling isn't there. If you are with that very person, you are obviously lying to both party.

Despite it all, somehow the person just can't stop being nice to you. This is the reason which makes u feel guilty and at the same time trap. You just want to scream STOP, but at that very moment you hold it back.

I wanna move on. I want to have a relationship without feeling guilty which in turn ruin the whole damn thing.

You're my friend, and always will be. Nothing more.

Please stop it. You are choking me. Enough is enough, before everything turns ugly. I don't like you in that way.

I just wanna be by myself. For now.

The Whining Fat Cow
1:08 PM

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