Sunday, February 3, 2008
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
I can finally breathe.
Although there is still a lot to do such as test, quiz, exams and also another project to complete which I have yet to start. I am still glad that so much stuff is over and done with. The pressure is starting to get me all cranky and bring forward my menopause. I'm serious.
Away with school, I know previously I've said that driving sucks, well, it doesn't anymore. The only thing now is that I drive like a fawn learning to walk. My turning still sucks, gear shifting sucks and I have no clue on how to park. I'm actually beginning to enjoy driving. Provided, I do not get this specific instructor that taught me once it was soOooO H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E that I felt like dying in the car.
So to sum up what I have been busy with recently, it's basically school, project, quiz, presentation, interview, driving and shopping. Oh chasing debts too! Yes, I've been busy, insanely busy.
As usual, I suck in ending of post, I'm gonna end it with a recent picture I've taken and also wishing everyone a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!
The Whining Fat Cow
3:50 PM