Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Been very, very busy.
I have no life! School, driving, project, tutoring and occasionally mapling.
3 project deadlines next week.
1 with only 1 week to complete, 1 have to redo the whole damn thing as we did it all wrong and need to be done my next Wednesday and one half way through.
1 more project Ive yet to start on it and my mask design too. GOD!!!!!!
I need more time.
Anyway more screwed up for my MSA quiz, another single digit come my way. Driving was a torture. I'm driving like a drunken driver. suck suck suck!
Sorry, haven been posting very much lately will be back soon..
got to run!
The Whining Fat Cow
8:05 PM