Friday, December 21, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Ho Ho Ho

Alrighty people, I'm back!

Yes, yes I know it's been a long time. So come back y'all. =)

1st and foremost, I'm so happy that my grams is currently staying over at my place. It's been 5 sweet days and 3 more days to go before my aunt and uncle return from their holiday. I'm happy that she's here and equally as sad about it. It's heartbreaking to see her getting weaker. Her every dizzy spell is like cutting a piece of my flesh out. I even shed tears at one of her spells. She kept on saying don't worry, If I past out or anything just take the "axe oil" and rub it at my temple and my chest. Do not dial 995.

Sitting by her is a luxury. Talking and chatting with her is a privilege.

Alright, away from this depressing tale.

My last paper was a breeze. I'm pretty much satisfied with it being able to answer most of the question. Did a number of shopping and project and ....... haha nothing.

Okie dokie, I'm off peeps.

Hear from me soon.

The Whining Fat Cow
8:58 PM

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