Saturday, December 8, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
6 more days till my 10 seasons of friends arrive at my doorstep.
Hopefully there isn't any delay.
No more rushing home like a lunatic to catch friends. I mean seriously! I'm dashing across road to catch the bus, running home when I reach the bus stop that is nearer to my place. I'm not exactly surprise that one day I get knocked down by a car and you'll get the most ludicrous News flash the next day. "Female,20, killed in road accident when dashing across the road to reach home early for friends!".
Ok, that's a mouthful and who in the world would publish such a long headlines.
Wat ever it is, no more rushing home and endangering my self or the road user. =)
wish me luck for term test on monday and thursday. =)))
The Whining Fat Cow
7:31 PM