Saturday, November 10, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Rumble Jumble

Heya!!! Miss me?

It's been a week since I last came in here and wrote all my nonsense down. Well all I can say is I've be lazy, busy and sickly.

Just yesterday, I had the most god-awful stomach ache that at that precise moment I just wish I could rip it out or just die. It was so excruciating that I could hardly stand, I can't sit, I can't lie. All I know was that I was seeing white, covered in cold sweat like I just come out of the shower and I have yet to towel myself dry. It was that bad and I'm not even exaggerating. This is the 2nd time I have experience this.

A irritating throbbing headache 2-3 times every week, I can handle. This, No Way!

Anyway, I caught Game Plan. It's damn nice. Although at the beginning of the movie, I was thoroughly piss of by this guy front of me. He was sitting so straight that all I can see was his freaking head.

Now, you tell me, who in the world sit up so straight when watching a movie. I bet If I did not ask him to sit lower, he will be in this position for the full 120 mins of the movie. Next movie that I'm going to watch is Stardust.

Oh right, lately I have been really busy. Busy with my cds. We are suppose to do a mosaic, A3 size within a month. So knowing that by then I would have tons of project to complete I'm basically rushing through like mad with it.

This is only what i have for 4 days. yes it's ugly. So What. haha.

alright people. I've been doing this post for hours. it's already 10pm now. I'm totally distracted my Leona Lewis. Gawd! she's the best singer ever.

Bubye now.

The Whining Fat Cow
5:51 PM

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