Monday, October 22, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


You know how everyone always say that when one get older, they will become slower and hence be more patient.

Well, I think my parents seems to fall out of this category. The Older they get, the more impatient they become. I think I inherit their impatient genes and hence I get cranky at times.

School's starting today.

Instead of worrying me not being able to wake up on time, all that I am thinking is what should I wear tomorrow. For now, my schedule shows that I have labs from monday to friday. It's damn depressing. No more slippers to school. Unless of course some of this labs are actually taking place in the tutorial room. Then it's hurray for me and nasty for the lecturers.

I realize that once again have have Tng as my tutorian (is there such a word?). Not 1 but 2 sub. I'm so screwed. To think that I seen last of her in 1.2. I guess the school just love to play a prank on us.

Pray for me, people.


P/s: Sweety, You know who you are. I may not be you but I just hope that you will not fall for his honeyed words again. It will do u naught but harm. Remember what u have been through. Will returning bring back everything? Will returning lead u to an ending u want? You have tried again n again but what can u remember? The good or the bad? If it's the good and u want to go on then You have my support. But if it's the bad and you still wanna go on, well all I can say is, I have your back. The outsider sees it all. Chin up! you're a pretty girl. The right guys will come to you. You have just have to be patient. Love you always, my friend.

The Whining Fat Cow
1:35 AM

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