Friday, October 26, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Sleep deprived

You know how sometimes good things happen. you are just bursting to tell, bursting to put your hopes up and wishing with all you might that you will get it but there is this fear tugging you in the opposite direction. Telling you that the moment you open your big gap, it will never com true. Never!

It had happened to me for so many occasion that there was a time I stop hoping and vouch never to hope again. That's plain silly, I know, one can never lose hope. Since I'm practically hoping everyday.

You can't actually blame me for that. Once, twice or thrice it's fine but multiply it by a dozen of so, it's enough to make you back off and be drilled into that thick skull of yours.

Although this good/bad(depending oh how u see it) thing happen on me and mate are all agreeable to it, I still have thing sinking feeling that I doubt I'll make it. But I really hope I do. It's the best thing that ever happen to me.

You guys must be wondering what is it. Some might know, some think that you know what is it and some will probably hear it by now. But no, I'm not going to say. Cause I know if I would to say it, it will mean that I have my hope really high up and if at the end of the day it's a no, well I'll be so depress that the whining will start all over again.

I'm sorry. Just pray for me that I get what I wish. Although the company sucks I still wish I get it.

Pray for me.

P/S: It really amaze me that how easily my brother can draw the Cruella devile in me out without even trying. Making the foulest, most vicious and vile creature in me to surface. Screaming my lungs out till (I bet with every dollar and cents I have) the whole apartment can hear me. It sucks! He made me into my mom. Being naggy and impatient. I'm to young to be naggy!

P/P/S: Once again I've finish 2 books in this week. 1 a novel by Erica James, Hidden Talent (find that I can relate to Jaz) while the other is a Inspirational book by Mitch Albom, For one more day. At this rate, I'll be penniless real soon. And I have my reason y I do not borrow book. Once again, blame it on myself.

The Whining Fat Cow
8:15 PM

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