Thursday, February 14, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Happy Valentine's Day

Who says being single and dateless on Valentine's day is pathetic?

Last year, I went out with a bunch of friends, this year I received flowers. I know after saying this, I'm definitely not gonna get anymore flowers on Valentine's day ever again. Oh well!

I think I'm actually quite lucky today. Even after having y floppy disc dying on me which lead me to be late for my presentation, I still manage to submit it on time.

When the lesson ending at 10.30am, we practically laze around in the canteen till we were extremely sleepy. Being in that state, I drag my entire body up to the class and waited for the quiz to start.

As usual, Qiudan and group enter the class 5 minutes late. However, there was actually a group of other people and before I knew it, Justin came in with a balloon. It was so malu ok. The group of people are actually from the bizen club and they were snapping picture away.

Although it was really embarrassing cause it make me really shy but I appreciate the gesture. Thanks guys! Really have a great laugh and not forgetting blush today.

Kenny and group also bought rose for all the ladies in the class. It was really sweet of them. 1 of it on Valentine's day must have already cost a bomb and they actually bought so many. I would really love to say, it's the thought that counts but who am I kidding. I love flowers. Thanks to them tooo~

And since P.S I love you is sold out, I'm now stuck home with random shot taken my Amos. Who flooded my phone with so many rubbish.

This here, is Amos Lim. Who is the mischievous one who took all the following pictures.

While we were all busy doing project, was was busy snapping away. Smart ass.

All in all, today was a great day. I'm tired , I'm feeling sick in my stomach but I am happy. Now all I wish for valentine is to do well for my exams in 10 days time. Wish me luck and wish that I do not have to sup any of the paper.


The Whining Fat Cow
7:38 PM

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