Sunday, March 30, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Pictures and loads of it.

Like I've promise, albeit a tad late, here are the pictures and updates.

Firstly, I'll have to say that I'm so proud of myself for sleeping at 10pm last night. The last time I self so early was what? Primary 5? Sleeping so early, would only mean 1 thing. Waking up at 7am in the morning. It's high time, I start to change my body clock back to the norm since my attachment starts next week.

Alright back to the purpose of this post.

Last Wednesday, went to Zouk for ladies night. Due to several unexpected events, only Cammy and I were enjoying ourselves. Not much photos were taken or should I say there were a number of pictures but I look like crap so I'm only posting some that looks alright.

The occasion after Zouk would be pot luck. Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures on it. All you have to do is picture 6 people sitting at a table with a table full of prawns, Humongous prawn, chicken wings, carrot cakes, fried oyster, mc nugget, sotong ball and 2 tubs of ice cream after all there.

There you go, a picture in you head. Am I good or what~!

Next, would be Zieg and Gary's birthday and since their b'dae is just a day apart, we all met up on Friday. Had lunch at MOF at MS.

And there you go, the several happening event for the last week. It seems that this is a really super duper long post with very less words.

Whatever, I'm feeling lazy anyway haha.

Yes, yes the news.

Yup, I'm going for OSIP. My attachement would be in China where all the Chinese mingle. Everything has been confirmed. Mind you, it was no easy fleet. I have to fill up forms after forms and sign loads of document before the air ticket is ready for collection.

Just the visa alone, I have to complete it 4 times. Well, we were suppose to submit 2 copies but since it's so official, I was so jittery and pressured that I kept on making mistakes. I just hate official forms.

All the paper work that need to be done for applying visa and most of it are waste paper since I have to ask then stuff to keep getting me new copies to fill up.

This will be my partner for 3 month. She'll get to know me like no other, LOL. Staying together for 3 months. I'll just hope that there will be no clash of personality or any serious argument.

Yup, I'll be leaving on 7th April. If You can't catch me by then, I'll be back real soon.


The Whining Fat Cow
8:30 PM

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