Friday, April 4, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

3 more days.


Have been in the company fro 5 days.

It's been good. Real good.

Everything is so interesting and the people here are pretty nice. I would never have imagine jus one piece of shirt or pants require that many people to put it together. The work is unbelievable, makes me appreciate my clothes more even if I go shopping like crazy and cast my old clothes to the back of my wardrobe, forgotten.

3 more days, and I'll be flying off to Suzhou.

I'm excited and equally as fearful about it. seeing the workers dorm here make me wonder are we staying in places like that too? Sigh.

Worst, I have yet to finish packing and my schedule is pack to the brim. Went for flu vaccination yesterday with my mom, meeting up friends tonight, going giant tomorrow with Camilla to get some simple necessities and then on Sunday, I'll have to go visit my granddad's urn in the temple, and celebrate my gram's birthday at night.

Fuu~ What a mouth full.

Alright have to pass the internet cable to my mates since we are all sharing 1 in order to access internet in the office.

I'm just here to say that I am fine and great albeit my left arm feel achy due to the jab.

Will blog again soon ~ =)

The Whining Fat Cow
9:49 AM

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