Saturday, May 3, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Something unexpected happen.

It's never meant to be and will never be.

Sometimes, things just fall on you and get out of control no matter how well you can control your life, what you want to do, what time you wake and what kind of achievement you want to gain. It's not controllable.

whatever it is, it'll be over when I'm home.

I Just hate it when things go out of control. It's so not my style.

Putuo shan pictures.

Grab a soda and some snack, there are loads of pictures coming up.

5 hours road trip to Bei lun and 1 hour 30 mins of ferry ride to Putuo shan. It sound like grape mountain when we heard it initally. Anyway, we had lunch at a seafood resturant. (I seriously lost touch in blogging. I've got no idea what to type and how to type it!!)

Anyway, The ferry smell of perspiration and cigar. Mind you, people here do not bath everyday. Yes, so you can get all sorts of funky smells and mix it with cigar you get the true authentic "nan ren wei" which is freaking overwhelming. You have no idea how glad am I when we finally reach out destination. FRESH AIR!! never smell better.

Within 5 mins, we were whoosh to our hotel. Great view! it's actually directly infront of the beach. Took trucks load of pictures. Everything went well till our tour guide came. Man! she really have a serious attitude problem. She was freaking fierce and showed us a super duper black face for the entire week ends. Hence, whatever she said after that was shut off.

Views like this, we don't get it very often. City girl will always be a city girl. Most of the pictures are taken by my roomie~

That very night, after all the traveling and the drama, we sat by the beach and had a beer or maybe a dozen of it. Got kinda high, I sure am glad that Esther was there. I was lucid but walking in a straight line was impossible for me than. Yes, yes, anyone who is drunk will say that they are lucid but I really am. The very next morn, cable car ride to the mountain top to another temple. Please don't ask me what's their name. I can barely read it.

Once all the traveling is done, we headed back to Bei Lun and had lunch at 老板娘 restaurant. Fabulous I tell you, the BEST chinese food every apart from being too oily. Everywhere, over here food are flooded with a layer of oil. the amount of oil can last us 1 month.

The very next day, Monday, Esther received news from home that her grandmother passed away. So she's off for home on Tuesday and will only be back on the 12th.

On Thursday, it's a public holiday, I have no idea what holiday but all I know is that Carrefour is the place to avoid if you do not want trouble. All that I heard was, there will be a protest going on. Anyway whatever is it, it's none of our problem, we headed down to somewhere ( I don't know where we went you see, all I did was just follow) to have seafood again.

It was scorching hot but the sea breeze is damn great. You can actually feel the warmth and the cool breeze all at the same time, like 1 side hot 1 side cool.

After a quick tour round the beach, we arrived at this villa with mudan flower. Sadly, we were late. All we get to see is endless and endless of soil. The weather is so different as compared to when I 1st arrive. T.T no more cold weather. The temperature differ so much day 30 degree, night 17 degree.

Anyway, if you guys are thinking of catching a movie, "Iron Man" isn't bad so is "The children of Huangshi". The movie by Jackie Chan and Jet Li is really a waste of money.

Alrighty, It's off to Shanghai tomorrow morning at 8am. Will blog again soon, which will most likely be next saturday. See I happy not, I happy I bring camera if not my lousy handphone should suffice. ^^

Night night Y'all.


The Whining Fat Cow
9:34 PM

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