Saturday, May 31, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

It's Picture time

Hi Peeps, I promised pictures didn't I. =D

I spend 4 fricking hours putting the pictures together. Of course I can't actually put everyone of them up since there are so many of them.

Alrighty, I shall start it off with the Suzhou Amusement Park pictures which is way, way over due.

Being here have made me willing to take up the thrills of roller coaster ride and the crazy ride in in the center. Believe me when I say I never really like those kind of rides but now, I'm longing to have another go at it, if it wasn't so freaking expensive.

The next trip that we went was to this area called Mu Du. It's just this area where by the place is left untouch retaining it's old traditional housing and shop houses. Even the rain didn't stop us from going but we came back with our jeans wet and shoes dirty.

Anyway, at this trip, we (meaning Esther and I) got to know 2 new guys both based in cambodia. Leslie and Kelvin. Both of them are really funny I must say. Although there are here just for here weekends, it was really nice to get to know them.

Yup! On may 25th, it was Esther birthday. A week after Mu Du trip.It was just a simple celebration with a teddy bear Ice-cream cake. What can I say, we were all tired. Hmm really makes me wonder how am I going to celebrate my 21st birthday. I'm getting old, time is zooming by really fast. I'm so afraid of what am I going to do next. I don't even feel that I'm an adult just as yet. So, so not ready.

Okay! The recent trip we had was last sunday. It was to this place called Nong Li da Shi Jie or something like that. But before we went there, we had our brunch at Winsun which is really near to the movie theater that looks like Esplanade on the inside but looks like a bird nest on the out side. Hence it is called the Bird nest. Serious!

The dim sun was fanta-bulous. With the ambiance of the place. All I can is WoaH! The place was so class and 'Atas' which you can only experience it in places like Raffles hotel and such. But it's actually quite affordable. After calculating, if everyone of us were to pay for the food, it's about 20 sgd. I'm missing the food there already. Yum-O!

Right, 'Nong Li Da Shi Jie' it's just a farming ground with fruits for you to pluck, activity and stuff like that for you to enjoy. We manage to do so much there. Scroll on down and see for yourself.

Plucked mulberry.

Ate it and cross a pond through the swing-bridge.

Slides and bumper car.

Horse riding!

Team building.

Plucked corns. It was really really the sweetest corn I've ever ate.

And Strawberries. We were very lucky to even find them as the strawberry seasons are over. The field smells of strawberry, the moment we walked into it. I finally got to see, smell, pluck and eat strawberry right from it's source.

That's all folk!

The Whining Fat Cow
3:42 PM

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