Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Skyrocketing expenses

I was reading an article from a couple of days back regarding weddings.

Comparing wedding now and the past, it is definitely much more expensive. Having skyrocketing prices of item such as oil, rice, water, electricity and basically everything it's a miracle that people are still getting married and forming family.

Even the lady being reported had nightmare regarding money problem. Everyone wants a good life when married. A car, a house and a good career. Now tell me with everything skyrocketing how do 1 actually does achieve all that?

Maybe I am still a child at heart being naive or maybe I am being realistic. At times like this, how would u know that the person you are marrying is the right guy for you so that you would not put the money you have invested on the wedding to waste by getting a divorce 2-3 years down the road.

I really admire what my parents did to have us and still give us a comfortable life. We may not be rich, in fact we are only average in the government eyes.

So what is love, actually? How do you know he/she is the one that you want to spend the rest of your life with? How do you know u really really can be committed to this relationship with that certain person.

The Whining Fat Cow
10:03 PM

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