Friday, January 16, 2009
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
In this period of time, every TP student are rushing to finish their projects on time with deadline in just days. Not to mention my group is too.For the past few days, my laptop is my ultimate best bud. I would have no idea what would happen to me if it "touchwood" crashes. This is us being really hard at work. working on Service Quality's 5000 words report.
Or so we wanna make you have the impression that we are indeed doing it. Obviously I wasn't since I was walking around taking stupid pictures.
But lo and behold, our working on report eventually became playing of counter strike. Good job mates!
All five of us were having so much fun that we made so much noise (well especially me of course, I die I scream, I win I scream).
Hence, we are left with much to do over the weekends since our ultimate aim is to finish this damn project by sunday so that we will be able to move on to the next project with the same deadline.
But guess what, I'm actually wasting my time away blogging and reading up people blog. Not forgetting getting hooked to my cous's blogging about my adorable nephew.
All is well, except that I have such hilarious group mates that most of the time I'll be laugh so hard that I could feel my abs forming. Or could be so mad but eventually will still end up laughing really really hard.And then today! My beautiful mouse decided to die on me and I had to go get a new peachy pink mouse. Sigh!
Anyway, despite all the projects and quiz, we were also required to browse through recruit to look for a job so as to come up with a cover letter and resume for Career Communication. As my printer usually works well on any other day, I decided to print out my resume so as to save time but only to find out the the printer ran out of ink and my photo looks horrible.
I decided to submit that copy as it is without reprinting it since it was just a brief check before the final marking since I know I would be editing it and reprinting it all over again. Save ink save paper.
What I had in return got me laughing till I was out of breath and even till now thinking about it never fails to crack me up. I would never have expected a lecturer to write such a thing which made it 10 times funnier.
"Poor Photo. U look as green as Incredible Hulk. Pls get a better photo!"
Go have a good laugh! I know I did.
Labels: Bimbotic Moment, Shirleen's Classic Move
The Whining Fat Cow
9:30 PM