Saturday, December 13, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Fun time

So people, missed me?

Anyway, it's been 2 weeks since the day I cremated my lovely grams. Although I still do think of her frequently and crying for her, I'm getting a little bit better. It's all part of the route of healing and time is the only thing that can help.

I'm coping and I know I will be fine.

I love you, grams.

Apart of all this depressing times in my life right now, I think I'm getting along with my class a little bit better. Pray that things won't nose dive after me admitting it out loud. It always happen when I official say things like this out.

Just when we are all graduating, I am loving my class now.

Badmintons and arnoldchicken-ed right before our term test as it we have all finished our papers. Standing in 2 rows facing each other outside arnoldchicken saying "Thank you, bye bye, see you again" to people who just came out of the toilet.

Tell me, are poly student so stressed up that they go bonkers or is it just us? In my opinion, I think it's just us. Wth.

And right after our term test paper on Thursday, we all (all 13 of us) went town for Bolt. The movie was great with all of us singing ' I thought I lost you' as it's the only line we know. However, since we had such a big group, dinner was by the road.

Okay i'm kidding, we just got food and settled down some where outside for our meal. Pathetic, but fun. What to do when there is so many of us.

The picture of all of us without Shafiq. Ok I shall not be mean and post a full group picuture.

There you go!

All in all I had fun but it's a damn hard time coordinating with so many ppl. A really big Project.

So that's all for now folks.

Will be back soon.


The Whining Fat Cow
1:05 AM

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