Monday, October 27, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Lousiest Weekend.

This weekend is pretty much a weird and lousy one.

My grams gave everyone a scare on sat when she sink in and out of oblivion. No matter how many times or how loud everyone of us call out to her, she would not rouse. For a minute we were playing scrabble the next everyone is solemn and dead quiet and everyone is crying.

The weird thing was, I barely shed a single tear and was walking around consoling my cous and sister. I guess, I believe that my grams will come round as it's probably just one of those days where she is extremely weak. I was right.

She was feeling much better on Sunday but somehow she is starting to have erratic behaviour. It was a whole new level of experience for me with the 'new' her. I've always know her to be the person to turn to for extra hugs and kisses, sometimes sweet treats. But being scolded by her for something that I never did was really heartbreaking.

I know I can't blame her for that but it's just so unreal. For a minute she could be laughing happily to u, which by the way will be etched in my memory for a long time, the next she would stare at u with deep hatred.

And today, I'm nursing a bad cold and working on my assigment dued thursday.

Sigh! what a weekend.

The Whining Fat Cow
3:58 PM

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