Sunday, July 11, 2010
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Who say blog post have to be all long n lengthy?
New roster is out. Pretty decent I would say. However, trepidation is crippling me. Instead or all being hype up and eager for flight, I'm worried. I'm a newbie all over again! Business class, a whole new different standard totally.
Jeez, knew this day will come. Time to get nagged, bitched and screwed Shirleen. Like what the pilot will say in an unlikely event, "Brace for impact!".
The only trip that I'm really looking forward too is Taipei. I'll definitely shopped till I Drop ... collaspe. I'm just crossing my fingers that I will not shop my saving away. *ahem*
Can't wait! I wish it's August already. On the other hand, I also wish that time will slow down. Can you believe it's mid july already? Now, where did all the 'months' go?
Oxymoron much?
The Whining Fat Cow
12:25 AM