Monday, October 27, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Lousiest Weekend.

This weekend is pretty much a weird and lousy one.

My grams gave everyone a scare on sat when she sink in and out of oblivion. No matter how many times or how loud everyone of us call out to her, she would not rouse. For a minute we were playing scrabble the next everyone is solemn and dead quiet and everyone is crying.

The weird thing was, I barely shed a single tear and was walking around consoling my cous and sister. I guess, I believe that my grams will come round as it's probably just one of those days where she is extremely weak. I was right.

She was feeling much better on Sunday but somehow she is starting to have erratic behaviour. It was a whole new level of experience for me with the 'new' her. I've always know her to be the person to turn to for extra hugs and kisses, sometimes sweet treats. But being scolded by her for something that I never did was really heartbreaking.

I know I can't blame her for that but it's just so unreal. For a minute she could be laughing happily to u, which by the way will be etched in my memory for a long time, the next she would stare at u with deep hatred.

And today, I'm nursing a bad cold and working on my assigment dued thursday.

Sigh! what a weekend.

The Whining Fat Cow
3:58 PM

0 Bites!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

School has started and the madness rolling in like avalanche.

It will be soon before long that I would say Au Revoir to the freaking school and start loathing work just like any individual. But the thing is, will I be able to get a job while we are in an economy recession.

So much for graduation!

The Whining Fat Cow
6:35 PM

0 Bites!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Birthday Pictures - Part 1

Hee! I know this is way, WAY~~ overdued but here it is!

The pictures from my 21st birthday. I wouldn't say I did not enjoy it but still I did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would. It was quite hectic for me. All my friends came pouring in and I have no idea who to entertain first. But damn! I'm sure am glad that most of you guys made it. Family and friends! Love you all peeps!

Day 1:

We checked in at around 2pm, getting ready for the night of bbq. I was really shock and surprise when I saw the newly renovated bungalow.

I have ever been there once and this is what it looks like before.

Lo and behold! This was what awaits me when I stepped in.

Ever since then, this is my fave bungalow to book for any occasion. *Decorations not included. We basically spent most of our time watching Friends on DVD late into the night. There's nothing like watching Friends with your friends.

Dad got started with the pits upon arrival while I was huffing and puffing away to inflate all the balloons suffering phobia after that with all the balloons bursting in my face.

So after a whole night of entertainment, which I regretted not taking pictures with all those who turn up, for example, my mom's friends. But I manage to take pictures with several important family members and friends.

Family picture! Lise, the lady who takes care of all our needs. My dad, the one who work hard for the family trying to give us the best in everything. My brother, the little terror of the house who causes mayhem everywhere he goes, without fail. My mom, who at times can drive me insane but still loves me regardless of what. My sister, the rebellion but sweet girl. And then, there's me! The girl with BIG dreams but no motivation.

My cousin, Leon whose birthday is a day after mine but 1 year older and his beautiful girlfriend who is so sweet and love the chili my dad made. Who can actually dip bread into the sauce and eat it okay! Bravo!

This cousins! I must say this is not even 1/4 of all the cousins. Oh well I guess with a big family, you can only have so many who is below 25. The rest are all married with kids as big as my brother.

Day 2:

While waiting for Gary, our chauffeur to arrive, we spend our day on the beach. It was cloudy and windy. Perfect for me who do not wanna be tanned.

And when a bunch of girls who have so much time on hand with 2 cameras, it can only mean 1 thing. Truck loads and Trucks loads of pictures.

Sweet and elegant Cammy who have already started work. My buddy and driving khaki, Serene. And flat face leen.

Being silly and airing our armpits. Ha Ha!

The crazy photographer wannabe who is making Cammy work the wind.

Serene, shooting cammy, shooting me who is trying to make a jump. Omg! Cammy hair is so long! and I look damn weird.

Emo-ing. Nah! I'm just looking for fishes.

Basking in the wind, since there is no sun. It was so nice that they actually stayed in the position for a good ole 20 mins.

So sweet right!

Damn odd, I know but I manage to get a mid air shot ok! I had to jump like, 10 times for a mid air shot.

Cammy's mid air shot.

We also did a 4 simultaneous shot using 1,2,3,4. Lame I know but we had fun doing it la. When Gary finally arrive, we all got so hungry that we head all the way down to IMM for dinner and collect our spree stuff.

Day 3:

Cammy had an interview today so both Serene and I were left with nothing to do and hence we went for a swim and a game of pool, which I lost miserably.

No shots of me playing pool since I suck in that sports! But there is this babe to show that she is really happy to win.

After the game, we decided to go for a swim instead of waiting for them to come back.

A shot before our swim...

Both of us changed and were ready to leave and boom it started raining.. zzz

And it rained some more. This is what happens when we do not go with the plan. Both of us were staring forlornly at the pool hoping and praying that the dark clouds pass really soon.

Once we had enough, we came back and take more pictures waiting for the both of them to return.

The fun eventually begins when both Gary and Cammy came back. We headed back to the pool and played like any 3 years old kids who see water for the very 1st time.

Once night falls, we headed out to ECP for our dinner and came back with another round of game. We were suppose to drink but funnily that very day I felt that everything was bitter and we decided to have each of us draw on the losers face.

Gary a.k.a Mr Potato!

Yes! I look like crap but I'll become pretty again. Anyway, they wanted to sabo me since I'm the birthday girl but to no avail. I'm just too quick. Haha.

From these 2 pictures you can see that who is the biggest loser. It was a freaking hilarious game with lots of stupid stuff done and most of it, if I would to post the pictures up Gary will prob skin me alive and peel my flesh to feed the dogs.

This is me, let them draw on my face for just cause it's my birthday. Sheesh.

There you go, Laugh!

Mr Potato! with a messy face.

Miss PCK! haha

And last but not least Bao Qin Tian. =)

That the end of Part 1. I'll continue part 2 as soon as possible. This is like the longest post ever. I'll get the rest of it up as soon as possible since it is like the core of this whole topic. Will be back once my Photoshop is back aye?

Very abrupt end. I know.


The Whining Fat Cow
9:39 PM

0 Bites!