Saturday, April 4, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


So it's been a month and more since I last came in to pen a piece of my mind or just to share anything with you ppl. Apart from all the spammers on the tagboard of mine that I am getting my blog is actually dead and a place where dust settle on.

Anyway, the month went by in a flash, with me all busy and sick and what not. I had to drag my sick body to work despite running a high fever on Monday and Tuesday for exams.

However, it's not the only exam or Assessment which they call it, to see what we have learnt. it's would not the be last. There is actually more to come and hence my disappearing act.

Whoever says it's a bimbotic job, I'm gonna to take my 3.5 inches heels and hammer the person. The first person would be me for I always thought that it is a bimbotic job.

Well, anyway since that is no nice pic to upload I shall end my post here and hope that I have to time to come back in and post again.


The Whining Fat Cow
3:28 PM

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